Tag Trading Post Tasks

John Barrymore January 02, 2024 4 minutes
Discover the easiest Trading Post tasks to complete in January 2024 to earn exclusive rewards and advance in the Traveler's Log. From using special toys to participating in pet battles and defeating world bosses, this blog post highlights the simplest activities you can undertake to earn points and progress in the game.
John Barrymore December 01, 2023 5 minutes
Looking to earn some rewards in World of Warcraft's Trading Post for December 2023? Check out this blog post for a rundown of the easiest tasks to complete, including slaying Doomwalker, launching fireworks in capital cities, and defeating raid bosses. With these tips, you'll be on your way to earning the Buttercuppet and Trader's Tender!
John Barrymore October 01, 2023 5 minutes
Looking to earn some rewards in October 2023? Check out the easiest Trading Post tasks to complete the Traveler's log and earn the Eve's Ghastly Ridermount and your Trader's Tender. From Dreamsurges to World Quests and Brewfest, there are plenty of activities that can quickly rack up points. Don't miss out!
John Barrymore September 01, 2023 4 minutes
Looking to earn points quickly in the September 2023 Trading Post tasks? This blog post outlines the easiest challenges to complete in order to earn rewards such as the Crusty Crawler Mount and Trader's Tender. From defeating bosses in Time Rifts to fulfilling crafting orders and participating in events, there are plenty of simple tasks to help you accumulate points efficiently.